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Earn school credit

Build new skills ★ Make a difference ★ Meet friends ★ Earn school credit ★

We are for the people, by the people

Write an inspiring and welcoming introduction that encourages people to get involved. Highlight the importance of their support, the difference they can make, and the various ways they can contribute. Keep the tone enthusiastic and inclusive, making them feel valued and excited to join your team.

Volunteer events

Meet The Candidates

August 21, 7-8pm

Write a brief and inviting introduction for volunteer events that highlights their purpose and the impact participants can make.

Connect Calling

September 9, 1-5pm

Write a brief and inviting introduction for volunteer events that highlights their purpose and the impact participants can make.

Politics On Tap

September 12, 8-10pm

Write a brief and inviting introduction for volunteer events that highlights their purpose and the impact participants can make.

“Add a quote from a volunteer that highlights the rewarding experience of being part of the campaign. It should emphasize the sense of purpose and impact they’ve felt while contributing.”